Twin Falls: Donate Blood And You Could Win The Iron Throne
Calling all "Game of Thrones" fans! If your life goal is to take over the Iron Throne yourself, this may be the closest you get to it.
The American Red Cross is having a "Bleed For The Throne" contest, if you give blood this month and use the hashtag on Twitter "#ForTheThrone" you will be entered for a chance to win a FULL SIZED IRON THRONE FROM HBO!
I am going to have to give this a shot. Someone asked me what I would possibly do with a full-sized throne and the answer is EVERYTHING. I would use it as my chair at the dinner table, I would use it as my chair when I watch TV, I would use it as my computer desk chair. I would find a way to sit in it EVERY CHANCE I GOT!
Click here to make an appointment with the American Red Cross and don't forget to use the hashtag on Twitter for a chance to win this baby. How many times can you give blood in a month?