This Is The Most Affordable Town To Live In The Magic Valley
The cost of living is not a fun thing to deal with when you're a grown-up. Housing especially can really hammer a family trying to make ends meet. We decided we would find out what town in the Magic Valley is the most affordable to live in. What we found was both funny and kind of surprising.
We used Sperling's Best Places website to do a cost of living comparison between many of the towns that make up the Magic Valley. There's not data available for every city, so if your small town got left out, blame the website.
We came up with a hypothetical scenario where a fictional person makes $50,000 in Twin Falls. By the way, if you make $50,000, can we borrow $10? How much would that person make if they lived in another town in the Magic Valley? We also wanted to know how much cheaper - or more expensive - housing would be compared to Twin Falls.
Here is what we learned starting with the most expensive Magic Valley towns.
10. Kimberly - $54,515 (Housing 30% more expensive than Twin)
9. Filer - $51,267 (Housing 8% more expensive than Twin)
8. Twin Falls - $50,000
7. Burley - $47,137 (Housing 21% cheaper than Twin)
6. Hansen - $46,035 (Housing 26% cheaper than Twin)
5. Jerome - $45,485 (Housing 28% cheaper than Twin)
4. Buhl - $44,604 (Housing 36% cheaper than Twin)
3. Murtaugh - $44,604 (Housing 36% cheaper than Twin)
2. Eden - $43,557 (Housing 42% cheaper than Twin)
1. Hollister - $43,282 (Housing 45% cheaper than Twin)
So, there you go. Congrats Hollister. You're apparently more affordable than any other Magic Valley town. Finding an available home to buy or rent in Hollister? Good luck with that.
Oh, and if you would like a big laugh, guess how much the fictional person making $50,000 would have to make in Sun Valley to maintain their standard of living. Sitting down? OK, here is the salary you need. $126,872. Housing is only 522% more expensive in Sun Valley than Twin Falls. Think Bruce Willis would be willing to loan us the extra $76,872?