It is that time of the year again. The weather is getting warmer, school is out, and everyone has been anticipating it, yes it is time for solicitors to come knocking on your door once again. It is common this time of year to see many people going door-to-door, and odds are it will be happening for the next couple of months. Each one will have different reasons for coming to your home, but each one will likely annoy you, and be someone you don't want to give the time of day to. Most of these individuals are trying to make a paycheck, but they are tasked with a job nobody would want in 2024. When it comes to handling solicitors and all those knocks and doorbell rings, what is the best way to handle it in Idaho?

Solicitors in Idaho

Credit: Amarachi O. on Unsplash
Credit: Amarachi O. on Unsplash

We have all been there. You have a long day at work, you walk into your home, all you want to do is change and get comfy, and there is a knock at the door, or your doorbell rings. You answer it since you haven't been able to sit down yet, and you are stuck in an unwanted conversation for the next 10 minutes or longer. Solicitors come around throughout the year, but due to weather, they are more common and at their worst this time of year. Most of us would appreciate them never coming to our homes, but that won't stop them from doing so. How can you get rid of them or how can you handle them without being too rude, or is that the best way to go? 

How to Get Rid of Solicitors in Idaho

Credit: Steven Van Elk on Unsplash
Credit: Steven Van Elk on Unsplash

When it comes to getting rid of solicitors or the best way to handle them, it is easy to say to ignore them, but many do not. Having a doorbell camera helps, as you can see who is at the door before answering it, but even then, there are times many answer without looking. Having a sign that says no solicitors or no trespassing is a good way to go, but these signs can often be ignored. You can point to the signs and likely end the conversation early, but you still have to answer the door. Calling the police is likely not helpful, as by the time an officer shows up, the solicitor is already gone. One of the best solutions I recently saw online, might be the best way to go. Instead of a sign saying 'no soliciting' or 'no trespassing,' put up a sign that says you charge $50 per minute of your time if someone wants to solicit or give you a speech. Likely most will turn around instead of paying up. Another successful sign can be one stating, 'Sleeping baby. Do not knock or ring the doorbell.'

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The next time you have a knock on your door or hear that doorbell ring, have a plan of action for how to best deal with an unwanted guest. Threatening them is not the way to go. There are ways to let them know you aren't interested in their product or message. Try some signs, or completely ignore them. Eventually, they will get the hint. Be prepared, because solicitors are coming your way unless you find a way to stop it.

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We all know that feeling of driving down the street innocently obeying all the laws and a cop car pulls up behind you and you immediately feel like a felon on the run.

Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

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