The pictures include the 1913 Twin Falls High School across the street from the courthouse, the 1916 Washington High School, and Downtown Twin Falls in 1941.
With how much snow came through last month though, many took advantage of it and decided to have a little fun and make some creative things out of ice and snow.
While it is best to stay away from these animals, sometimes there is reason to keep your phone or camera at the ready if you do happen to cross their paths.
I know it sounds weird to say that you can hear photos, but it is true. These photos from Twin Falls and surrounding area, when you look at them you can hear exactly what is going on and it is amazing. Some are loud, others quiet and peaceful.
You don't need me to remind you what happened on September 11, 2001. But, I fear that the memory of that day may be fading for many. I've found 11 pictures that are a reminder why that day can never be forgotten.
A word to the wise, I'd discourage any children from asking for an official "Red Rider, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time," as you know what could happen in the case of ricochet.