Major Drug Seizure Near Pocatello by Idaho State PoliceMajor Drug Seizure Near Pocatello by Idaho State PoliceIdaho State Police: Major Meth & THC Bust by DHE Team near Pocatello, 4 ArrestedBradBrad
Tiny Backpack Of Meth Seized On Bird West Of Idaho/Canada BorderTiny Backpack Of Meth Seized On Bird West Of Idaho/Canada BorderIt reportedly took prison staffers some time to corner and corral the feathered felon.Greg JannettaGreg Jannetta
Meetings on Rising Problem of Meth and Fentanyl End in Magic ValleyMeetings on Rising Problem of Meth and Fentanyl End in Magic ValleyA series of meetings held across the state on the rising problem of methamphetamine and fentanyl use wrapped up in the Magic Valley Wednesday with testimony from local prosecutors, caseworkers, law enforcement, and the publicBenito BaezaBenito Baeza
Governor Seeks Input from Magic Valley Citizens on Meth and FentanylGovernor Seeks Input from Magic Valley Citizens on Meth and FentanylThe governor will host a discussion Wednesday to seek input from citizens of the Magic Valley on the impacts of methamphetamine and fentanylBenito BaezaBenito Baeza
Man Sentenced for Distributing Drugs in Magic ValleyMan Sentenced for Distributing Drugs in Magic ValleyA Mexican national living in Jerome will spend 10 years in prison for dealing methamphetamine in the Magic ValleyBenito BaezaBenito Baeza
Three Magic Valley Men Sentenced for Methamphetamine DistributionThree Magic Valley Men Sentenced for Methamphetamine DistributionThree men from the Magic Valley have been sent to prison on federal drug crime charges for distributing methamphetamine in the communityBenito BaezaBenito Baeza
Reckless Utah Driver Thought Cop Had Challenged Him To A RaceReckless Utah Driver Thought Cop Had Challenged Him To A RaceThis pandemic has people acting like fools. Well, this pandemic and drugs have made people a little extra crazy this year.Nate BirdNate Bird