In a thrilling finale that had Treasure Valley residents on the edge of their seats, two Idahoans, Joel Strasser of Kuna and Garrett Smith of Meridian...
The rider claimed to have seen strange forms with his peripheral vision while blazing through a mountain that evening. He later heard from others that claims of these types of sightings were common where the group was camping out.
The company now known as Meta, formerly Facebook, announced plans to build a data center facility in the Gem State not far from the capital city of Boise.
Apparently, this is something that has been around for about 10 years now. There is a fence that has a ton of shoes on the posts right outside of Boise. It is something I have to check out for myself at some point. Maybe, I will even contribute.
You don't have to drive far around the Treasure Valley before you see a horse or two or ten. So where can you, your kids or your family go to actually ride the horses?
Idaho is made up of some incredible, beautiful, hard working farmland. Idaho top the country in producing 3 crops and in top 5 for many others. Earning lots of money for the gem state
Idaho has some of the most and best hot springs of any other state. As soon as you get into hot springs territory you can hit a few in one day with determination. I LOVE them. My hair and skin always feels amazing for days after a god long soak.