
Woman Fined and Got Jail Time in Yellowstone
Woman Fined and Got Jail Time in Yellowstone
Woman Fined and Got Jail Time in Yellowstone
Madeline was charged with a week in jail and over $2,000 in fines after walking off-trail and onto thermal ground at Yellowstone National Park. Not only could this have destroyed her, it destroys the landscape and the parks preserve that cannot be fixed.
Would You Go to Jail to Get Your Kids in a Good College?
Would You Go to Jail to Get Your Kids in a Good College?
Would You Go to Jail to Get Your Kids in a Good College?
I haven't started saving for my 6 year-olds college fund yet, I'll help but he's going to have to earn it. Not the case when you are a child of wealth. These high profile parents did everything they could, even breaking the law to get their kids into the hardest Universities around.
Idahoans Being Arrested and Jailed Over Medical Debt
Idahoans Being Arrested and Jailed Over Medical Debt
Idahoans Being Arrested and Jailed Over Medical Debt
Struggling to pay your medical bills can happen to anyone. I had a $375,000 back surgery in 2014 and had I not had good insurance it would have crippled me. Now, imagine being thrown in jail over not being able to pay these outrageous medical bills. That exact thing is happening right here in Idaho.

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