
Family Only Birthdays?
Family Only Birthdays?
Family Only Birthdays?
Should home Birthday parties only be for family? Should you find a way to accommodate all the kids in your child's class?
Happy 238th Birthday Army
Happy 238th Birthday Army
Happy 238th Birthday Army
Happy Birthday to the Army! Two hundred thirty-eight years ago, our nation's leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country and her citizens. Today the Army celebrates the continued strength, professionalism and bravery of our ready and resilient Soldiers in the all-volunteer force.
Is Registering for a Birthday Party Inappropriate?
Is Registering for a Birthday Party Inappropriate?
Is Registering for a Birthday Party Inappropriate?
Awe birthday parties. My kids love it when we are invited to birthday celebrations, they get to play and eat cake. I am able to catch up with my friends and celebrate a child's life. Birthday parties are great! The only thing that can be difficult about a birthday is getting the perfect gift.
Should We Ban Birthday Cakes From Schools? [POLL]
Should We Ban Birthday Cakes From Schools? [POLL]
Should We Ban Birthday Cakes From Schools? [POLL]
The Flu season has been awful this year, so I think most parents are doing everything in their power to keep their kids healthy. Some parents are even going as far as banning Birthday cakes from parties and schools because blowing out birthday candles might spread germs.
Birthday Parties [POLL]
Birthday Parties [POLL]
Birthday Parties [POLL]
I tend to love Birthdays and back in the day, I would celebrate my Birthday with a Birthday week. The older I get the more I think Birthdays should be bypassed completely.
Do Your Kids Care If You Personally Make Their Birthday Cake? [POLL]
Do Your Kids Care If You Personally Make Their Birthday Cake? [POLL]
Do Your Kids Care If You Personally Make Their Birthday Cake? [POLL]
I love making a Birthday cake for my kids for their Birthdays and they seem to enjoy picking out what kind of cake they want me to make them. The cake my son picked out this year is going to cost me double the amount to make compared to if I bought the same cake. A little shocking, but true!
What’s Your Favorite Dr Suess Book?
As you know today is Dr Suess's Birthday. Everyone loves Dr Suess so naturally everyone is excited that the ' The Lorax is in theatres this weekend. It's an animated version of the classic Dr. Seuss book.  Zac Efron is on a quest to figure out what happened to all the real trees.  That's when he learns the story of the Lorax, the guardian of the land who tried, and failed, to protect his forests
Do Women Go Overboard When Throwing Parties For Their Kids? [POLL]
Do Women Go Overboard When Throwing Parties For Their Kids? [POLL]
Do Women Go Overboard When Throwing Parties For Their Kids? [POLL]
Last night we went to a 5 year-old's Birthday party. You wouldn't think that a Birthday party would be that much fun but we had a great time. The party was done with a Monster included: homemade monsters for each child, homemade grab bags, monster cup cakes, eye ball balloons and eyeballs that all the children could wear. So fun!

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