I came home yesterday to find my driveway filled with a huge pile of dirt. Was this the City of Buhl's passive aggressive way of telling me off, or impressively poor planning on a city construction project? Probably a little of both.

Last week we were informed by the City of Buhl that the water lines on our street would have to be dug up and replaced, for whatever reason (because it's Buhl and water. 'Nuff said, right?). During the construction we were not to park our vehicles on the street. Okay, fine and dandy. I'll just park in my...

Hey, wait... you tricked me Buhl!

The City of Buhl, in their infinite wisdom, assembled the new water pipes and dropped them--not on the side of the road where they would be used--but about ten feet in on all of our lawns. Realizing quickly that the pipes were blocking residential driveways, the city's workers sprang into action and unloaded massive mounds of dirt in everyone's driveway to help!

Because it's Idaho, right? Everyone drives a truck or an SUV. Except all of those of us who don't!

I drive a 1996 Ford Mustang Convertible. There was no way my Pony Car was making it over that mound or that pipe so I either had to park on the street--which the City of Buhl asked us specifically not to--or park in the alley behind my house. Where the teenagers roam all night. Unsupervised. Causing... mischief.

After seriously considering trying to construct some sort of Evel Knievel style jump out of 2x4s and broken tree limbs just to get into my driveway, I opted for the alley out of desperation.

Hopefully I will have access to my driveway tonight, or tomorrow at the latest, because if the project stretches past Thursday it will be that way until at least next week sometime. Remember: The City of Buhl runs on a four day work week (four ten hour shifts, Monday through Thursday).

So I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the City of Buhl on their impressively poor construction planning! I can't wait to see what you mess up next. And hopefully I don't wake up with a horse's head in my bed tomorrow morning, 'Godfather' style.

Check out my video walk through, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel while you're at it. It will make me feel better. I promise.

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