What do you want to do before you die?  This is the question posed to those watching MTV's hit show "The Buried Life."

According to "The Buried Life's" website, the show features:

Four regular guys on a mission to complete a list of '100 Things To Do Before You Die' and to help and encourage others to go after their own lists.

This show has definetly had it's impact on Twin Falls High School student Kelley Jund.  Her senior project featured just that, helping others accomplish their dreams before they die.

Ms. Jund has not only helped two Twin Falls locals reach their dreams by assisting them with their bucket list, but she's also convinced the cast of MTV's "The Buried Life" to visit Twin Falls, Idaho.

"The Buried Life" cast will be at Twin Falls High School's Roper Auditorium on Saturday, March 15th.  It costs just $5 to attend their motivational lecture.  The lecture will include why they help others accomplish their bucket lists and how you can help others too.  Plus there will be group photos taken, so be sure to bring one item per person to be autographed.

So what's on your bucket list?  Will you just dream about it or be like Kelley Jund and actually make your dreams come true?

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