Maybe they don’t like your looks. I saw a post on Facebook’s Rants and Raves about snowplow drivers. Isn’t there always someone whining about snow removal? The writer claims the plows in Twin Falls clear out the streets where the wealthy live before they come to the poverty-stricken row he calls home.
I don’t live in a neighborhood with many million-dollar homes (there may be a couple of places) but I would say it’s a good part of town. I was on the road on Sunday morning between 5:30 and 6:00, not long after seeing the rant, and I didn’t see any favoritism.
Later, driving south on a well-plowed Washington Street, I saw two plows heading east on Falls Avenue. I decided to make a turn there and follow the freshly cleared path. I eventually made my way to South Blue Lakes Boulevard, then turned west on Park Avenue. Despite the wealthy-sounding name, it’s hardly the match for Park Avenue in New York City! Our version was clear.
I know it’s hard for some to fathom, but just like there isn’t a cop on every corner, there isn’t a plow idling on every street waiting for the first flake to fall. If that’s what you demand, then be prepared to pay some outrageous taxes. Then you can whine about those.
Some snowflakes, pun intended, can’t get through a day without blaming the rest of the world for their shortcomings. As for the snow, in each life, a little must fall. Oh, and when it comes to storms, cry me a river. It's called January and living in Idaho.

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Gallery Credit: Carena Liptak