Idahoans Frittered Away Their Liberty and Safety
More Idahoans need to become joiners. For our own sake and protection. I was listening to a video yesterday when the two participants suggested flyover country could be crushed in a civil war.
Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec were talking about the assassination attempt on President Trump. Carlson asked his guest what would have happened had Trump been killed. Posobiec didn’t bat an eye. Civil War popped out of his mouth. He then said it wouldn’t be organized and would quickly be put down. MAGA Republicans would pay a steep price. Carlson interjected it’s because Republicans aren’t known as demonstrators and would be easily targeted in large groups.
Conservative Americans may be the most armed people on the planet, outside of many militaries, but if there’s no organization, we’re on our own. Alexis de Tocqueville saw that as one of the few negatives of our lives almost 200 hundred years ago. We’re an isolated people stretched across wide swaths of land.
We also aren’t joiners. The book Bowling Alone detailed the decline in community associations. People don’t much longer get involved with bowling leagues, town baseball, service clubs, and churches. A few generations ago, big front porches vanished from a lot of new construction. About the same time television screens began competing for our time. Now we carry screens in our pockets and spend our free time watching cat videos. Millions of Americans pop prescription pills that promise to banish hyperactivity. Someday, historians will marvel at how we so easily surrendered our liberty.
The Carlson video is below. The part of the conversation I mentioned begins at about 84 minutes.

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