Wait, Can You “Legally Smoke Weed” On Thanksgiving In Idaho?
This Thanksgiving, we're hoping your plans are something like this:
Gathering with family and friends around the dinner table, enjoying a magnificent feast and conversation.
At least, that's how it should go. However, some believe they're allowed to break the rules simply because it's Thanksgiving. It's become a sticking point. Or, a sticky-icky point.
Apparently, it's been said that on a federal holiday, such as Thanksgiving, you can legally smoke cannabis without any legal repercussions. That is absolutely, 100% false.
No, you can't smoke weed at the Thanksgiving dinner table just because it's a federal holiday.
There's nothing anywhere that states federal holidays in Idaho give any kind of leniency or "free pass" to citizens breaking laws, be it drug-related or otherwise.
It's still not legal here, and probably won't be for a while. And, honestly, who needs weed when you have wine and some tryptophan-laden turkey to dine on? You'll be asleep in 15 minutes.
Do you ever feel like whenever Thanksgiving comes around, you have absolutely no idea what you're doing in the kitchen? You could've prepared a turkey dozens of times and probably never known this tip we just found out:
You can thaw your Thanksgiving turkey in cold water.
Are we the only ones just now hearing about this? Just when you think you've finally gained some prowess in the kitchen, you learn something like this that makes you rethink your entire culinary journey.
Thawing Your Thanksgiving Turkey in Cold Water
Gallery Credit: Travis Sams
If you have last-minute shopping to do for Thanksgiving this year, fear not. There are a bunch of stores open:
Grocery Chains Open on Thanksgiving 2024
Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman