If You Used Your Credit Card At These Idaho Wendy’s, You Need To Read This
This is not good. Wendy's has announced that there has been a massive credit card breach and several Idaho locations have been affected. If you've used your credit card at these Wendy's restaurants between January and June of this year, you will want to read this.
Here are the locations impacted and the date range when information was stolen according to the corporate Wendy's website:
Idaho Boise 1450 S. ORCHARD ST. 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Boise 8100 WEST FRANKLIN ROAD 1/13/16 - 6/10/16
Idaho Boise 3680 STATE STREET 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Boise 1180 BROADWAY 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Boise 8100 WEST FRANKLIN ROAD 1/13/16 - 6/10/16
Idaho Boise 3680 STATE STREET 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Boise 1180 BROADWAY 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Caldwell 600 N 10TH AVE 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Garden City 5525 CHINDEN BOULEVARD 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Meridian 3140 E. FLORENCE 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Meridian 100 E. CORPORATE DRIVE 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Meridian 100 E. CORPORATE DRIVE 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Mountain Home 2910 AMERICAN LEGION WAY 1/13/16 - 6/10/16
Idaho Nampa 424 12TH AVE RD 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Nampa 1028 CALDWELL BLVD 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
Idaho Nampa 1028 CALDWELL BLVD 1/13/16 - 6/8/16
If you used a credit or debit card at these locations during this time period, better check your card statements now.