BLM Advisory Council, Public to Tour Proposed Magic Valley Wind Farm
SHOSHONE, Idaho (KLIX)-A field tour is planned for mid-June of the proposed Lava Ridge Wind Energy project east of Shoshone. The Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Resource Advisory Council, and the Proposed Lava Ridge Wind Energy Project Subcommittee plan on touring the area around Wilson Butte, Minidoka National Historic Site, and Sid Butte where hundreds of wind turbines could sit. Magic Valley Energy is proposing to build a wind farm in the area and is seeking federal approval. The public can participate in the tour on June 15, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and must RSVP before Wednesday, June 1. The tour will start and end at the BLM Twin Falls District Office on Addison Ave. The public must provide their own transportation and food; a high clearance vehicle is recommended. Following the field tour, a public comment period will be held at the BLM Twin Falls office. Written comments can be submitted ahead of time to MJ Byrne, BLM Idaho Resource Advisory Council Coordinator at mbyrne@blm.gov. “The Idaho Resource Advisory Council and the Subcommittee provide an important avenue for the BLM to gain public input on the proposed Lava Ridge Wind Energy project in addition to the public involvement opportunities that the National Environmental Policy Act process offers,” said Karen Kelleher, Idaho State Director for the BLM in a prepared statement. “We greatly appreciate these individuals who volunteer their time to share their perspectives and enhance the agency’s decision making.” Those wanting to join the June 15, the tour can RSVP by contacting Julie Clark, Acting Public Affairs Officer, BLM Twin Falls District, jdclark@blm.gov or (707) 616-8291.

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