5 Things Everyone In Twin Falls Should Do This Winter
Admittedly, I am way more of a summer person, but that doesn't mean that I won't adventure during the winter. There are tons of things to do this winter that you have to try, even if you don't like the cold.
1.) Tubing at Magic Mountain. They have a lift that carries you up to the top of the hill and so really, most of the hard work is done for you. There are three different hills to try. Go with a group of friends, you are bound to have a good time!
2.) Go ski or snowboard at Pomerelle. It is a great mountain if you are inexperienced and it's still a lot of fun even if you are.
3.) Find a hill and go sledding! You can find hills pretty much anywhere. There is a really popular sledding area next to the Twin Falls City Pool. Perfect fun for all ages.
4.) Try the Bogus Basin Mountain Coaster in Boise. It hasn't been open a long time but it is definitely something that looks like a must ride! Sure, this one requires a bit more of a drive but man it looks like fun.
5.) Go ice skating! There is a new rink opening up in Rupert, and the one in Twin Falls is about done. The Twin Falls Downtown Commons has a FREE ice skating rink available for everywhere.
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