While the physical contents of the Collector's Edition of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor may not surprise you Blizzard fiends out there, its in-game mount definitely will.

Remember that Reins of the Raven Lord mount you spent years of your life farming in that Auchidoun heroic dungeon during World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade? Well, you're getting the flying version of it in the Collector's Edition of Warlords of Draenor. That's good news for all you Warcrack users out there. Even better than a flying Dread Raven, you also get an adorable Dread Raven hatchling as a cosmetic pet. You also will be getting in-game Iron Horde-themed gear for your other Blizzard titles, including Starcraft II portraits, a Diablo III banner and Iron Horde cards for Heathstone.

As with Blizzard's other games, Warlords of Draenor's Collector's Edition will include a mouse pad, a behind the scenes DVD/Blu-ray, an art book and the game's soundtrack.

You still aren't prepared? You better get going, because World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor launches on Nov. 13 for PC. Mists of Pandaria's Collector's Editions might still be sitting around Best Buy shelves for only $20, but you know the Iron Horde won't be having any of that.

warlords of draenor
warlords of draenor

Don't forget World of Warcrack: Drug Lords 'Cuz Drakesnorts is that hard s---, don't say we didn't warn you. #ArathiFreeBasin

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