Thankfully Not All Idaho Newcomers Are Californians
The volatile tax climate in Illinois is causing a major population drain. Many of the state’s refugees are coming to Idaho. Maybe it explains the people I’ve seen wearing Bears jackets and hats. Or simply we’ve got a growing population with no taste in football!
When the worst effects of recession ended many people finally had the means to pack up and move.
Tyler Durden is an economic forecaster at Zero Hedge. He writes about the Illinois exodus and the continued migration to Idaho in a recent column. You can see it by clicking here.
Idaho’s real growth started less than one-half dozen years ago. When the worst effects of recession ended many people finally had the means to pack up and move.
While we joke about the Californians arriving in large numbers (I think most people are joking, right?) we shouldn’t forget people are coming here from across the country. Usually from state’s stressed by taxes and future uncertainty. If we must have newcomers I guess I’d rather have Midwesterners, although. You can leave the Bears gear behind! The team hasn’t had a decent quarterback since Sid Luckman.
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