Is it possible for a wolf to make its way into the surrounding towns and what are the odds of seeing a mountain lion in the area, as well as other animals?
It's not often we get to enjoy a Yellowstone National Park video taken by a tourist that doesn't include some act of blatant stupidity by a human being.
At the end of the video, the wolf stops, turns to the car, and lets out a howl before running off. The internet is trying to decide what that howl meant.
A short time after the violent collision, what appears to be a wolf can be seen approaching the injured animal. It's obvious from the footage that the elk was attempting to flee from the predator.
Yellowstone National Park has lost essentially an entire pack of gray wolves after hunters killed twenty wolves that roamed away from the park this week.
This has been quite the year for exciting wildlife videos from Yellowstone National Park. The latest shows a wolf who repeatedly bites a big bear on the butt.
People are generally kind and quick to retrieve their animals when this happens, but it doesn't change the fact that we don't the tendencies of other people's pets.
This raises an interesting topic. I see dogs running loose every time I go camping. Aside from the fact the animal was shot, do we, as campers, need to do a better job of containing our animals.
I haven't seen a convergence of apex predators like this as long as I can remember. There's a somewhat recent video share of two grizzlies who are duking it out in the middle of a highway. Little did they know they had a lone wolf as a spectator.