UFOs Spotted Over Boise Amid The Spirit of Boise Balloon ClassicUFOs Spotted Over Boise Amid The Spirit of Boise Balloon ClassicThere were sightings of multiple lights in the sky following the first day of the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic. What was going on up there?ChrisChris
Is This UFO Dodging Lightning in Idaho… Or Creating It? (VIDEO)Is This UFO Dodging Lightning in Idaho… Or Creating It? (VIDEO)Shocking video shows what appears to be an aircraft "dodging" lightning in the skies of Idaho... or is it controlling weather?ChrisChris
5 Planets Visible in Idaho in One Night? Yes, Please!5 Planets Visible in Idaho in One Night? Yes, Please!Here's when you can expect to catch a glimpse of 5 planets over Idaho!ChrisChris
4 Astonishing UFO Sightings In Idaho From The Month Of April4 Astonishing UFO Sightings In Idaho From The Month Of AprilImagine spotting a UFO in the sky, appearing or flying in a way that would otherwise be impossible… would you be bold enough to share your experience at the risk of being called “crazy”? ChrisChris