There's nothing quite like enjoying a rewarding drink after a long day on the job. We all have our favorites, but what is the one adult drink that most...
For those that want to stay in the area and enjoy the many events you can only go to this time of year, here are some of the events taking place in Twin Falls and around the state this weekend.
Happy Cinco de Mayo, if you are going out to celebrate with tacos and margaritas I want to know where you are going to enjoy them. Tacos and margaritas are life and I want to try them all in Twin Falls.
Countdown to massive lawsuit in five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . .
On Friday afternoon, Taylor Dill-Reese of Oak Park, Michigan was with her family having an early dinner at Applebee's. She ordered an apple juice for her 15-month-old son and the server brought it to him in a sippy cup.
The kid drank out of the cup, then started acting strange. Taylor took a sip and figured out why . . .