Post Offices nationwide will be open on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, Dec. 24th, but most Post Offices will shorten retail lobby hours and close at noon.
If you want your Christmas cards to reach their destination by Christmas you will need to mail them TODAY!
The mail in this picture is mail that was intended for one of my neighbors. Each pile represents a single house... So basically, we received mail that was intended for three different houses on our block.
Christmas cards are great! Christmas is the only time of year I get items in my mail box that aren't bills. Christmas cards remind me of the people I care for...and often times remind me of all the great friends and family I have that live out of town. Cards with family pictures are the most common but every now and then I will get a Christmas letter. Even better, right?
If you hate sending letters because it is expensive you are going to hate this information. The Postal Service announced that starting January 27th, the price of a first-class stamp will increase one cent to 46 cents. International mailings will also increase in price.
I hate getting mail that is "Top Secret" or has "Important Information" stamped on the envelope. I always get nervous when I see these letters in my mail box. "Top secret" usual means a bill I forgot to pay or a pin number that I am paranoid somebody already has.