As parents, sometimes it is difficult to get through to your kids. Recently, a 13-year-old boy's mother got through to him by writing him a letter.
The young man had told his mother that he didn't want to be told what to do anymore. He had just started earning a small income. So, he thought he shouldn't be told what to do anymore by his mother.
Christmas cards are great! Christmas is the only time of year I get items in my mail box that aren't bills. Christmas cards remind me of the people I care for...and often times remind me of all the great friends and family I have that live out of town. Cards with family pictures are the most common but every now and then I will get a Christmas letter. Even better, right?
There have been a lot of cool and useful inventions in the last 100 years. So, before Legos and Barbies - what did kids want for Christmas 100 years ago? A look back at actual letters to Santa from 1913 is a real eye opener about the requests that kids are making today!
The internet exploded this week with news that a Fargo woman was going to hand out letters instead of candy to kids she deemed as "moderately obese," but is it all just a hoax?
This year, some children in Fargo, North Dakota may get a bigger trick than treat when hitting the streets for trick-or-treating. That's because a woman in the city has decided to take a stand against childhood obesity, which on its face it's a noble effort. However, the method in which she is doing it is turning heads.
I think I've seen or heard the term “Thanks in advance” or “cooperation in advance” five or six times this week alone.
On the surface, it sounds like a nice thing to say but when you dig to the root, I believe it’s a veiled form of manipulation...
It is Christmas card season. I love getting Christmas cards from friends and family. A lot of people send Christmas letters with their cards to let you know what they have been up to in the past year. With Facebook it makes you wonder if Christmas letters are really necessary anymore.
I love getting post cards, especially areound Christmas time. Some people think this is an old school way of communictaing but I personally love getting anything in the mail that isn't junk or a bill.
There's a company called Touchnote who reported from that lets you send personalized, printed postcards using your cell phone and Facebook photos. And they analyzed 2,000 postcards