
Cash & Carry is Coming to Twin Falls
Cash & Carry is Coming to Twin Falls
Cash & Carry is Coming to Twin Falls
Construction seems to be going on everywhere in Twin Falls. I am ecstatic about the growth, and am really happy about the latest business that was announced. On June 1st construction for the new Cash & Carry Food Service building began at 1777 Canyon Crest Drive in Twin Falls.
Home & Garden Show
Home & Garden Show
Home & Garden Show
All month, we're giving you two chances every  weekday to win $1,000. Just listen all day for Money Boo Boo to give the cue to call, and when you hear it, be caller 25 at 1-877-854-WINS (9467) Listen to us on the air every day, Monday through Friday, all through November for two chances to call in (listen for that cue to call) and win $1,000...
VIP’s Get Hints About When to Listen for the Cash Cow
VIP’s Get Hints About When to Listen for the Cash Cow
VIP’s Get Hints About When to Listen for the Cash Cow
The Cash Cow is back and she's giving more money than ever. Each Weekday in the month of November we are giving you a chance to win cash. When you hear the Q-2-CALL, be the 25th nationwide caller to 1-877-854-9467 and win that day’s cash prize!  $1,000 or $10,000 on Thursdays.  Read on if you want inside tips on when to listen for your chance to win cash.
Your Chance to Win Ten Thousand Dollars Cash!
Your Chance to Win Ten Thousand Dollars Cash!
Your Chance to Win Ten Thousand Dollars Cash!
95.7 KEZJ is giving you a chance to win $10,000! On December 1st you could be the lucky winner of TEN GRAND. Say goodbye to those holiday bills by entering to win some serious cash, and maybe get 10 Grand in YOUR hand! Enter to win now online NOW...
One Out of Every Eight People Has Completely Stopped Carrying Cash
One Out of Every Eight People Has Completely Stopped Carrying Cash
One Out of Every Eight People Has Completely Stopped Carrying Cash
It's entirely possible that kids born three or four years from now may never really know what CASH is. According to the latest reports from Daily Mail, out of the U.K., one out of eight people has now completely stopped carrying any cash or coins.  They're going straight credit and debit card, we assume . . . we doubt they're just running around writing checks.
What Will Bill Gates Be Leaving His Kids?
What Will Bill Gates Be Leaving His Kids?
What Will Bill Gates Be Leaving His Kids?
Imagine for a moment that you are Bill Gates child. How wonderful, right? How much do you think he would leave you after you he passes? We've all heard in the past that Bill Gates is planning on giving almost all of his fortune to charity . . . and that he isn't planning on leaving all that much to his kids.  He confirmed that in a brand new interview with a British newspaper Daily Mail.  Read Mor
Losing Sleep Over Your Personal Finance Situation?
Losing Sleep Over Your Personal Finance Situation?
Losing Sleep Over Your Personal Finance Situation?
We all have spent some long nights worrying about how we are going pay the next mortgage payment. And I am fully aware that I will probably never retire. According to a new poll by "Newsweek" and the Daily Beast from ,The Daily Beast Americans are angry about EVERYTHING.  Especially money.  And we're losing sleep.
The Key To Being Rich By Middle Age
The Key To Being Rich By Middle Age
The Key To Being Rich By Middle Age
We all desire to be's the reason I bought a lottery ticket on my way to work this morning. According to a new study from AOL Jobs, the key to being rich by middle age is . . . NOT spending your 20s just kinda hanging out, really getting to know yourself. In the study, a company called Digitas found that, right now, the benchmark for being wealthy is to pull in $200,000-a-year by about
Cops Find Robber Via Cash Trail
Cops Find Robber Via Cash Trail
Cops Find Robber Via Cash Trail
The scene was straight out of a classic Saturday-morning cartoon: After a robber took an undisclosed amount of money from a local CVS, he made a mad dash to a nearby laundromat. As he ran, the pile of cash in his arms left a trail behind him, making it an easy catch for police officers.

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