Thompson Square will be returning to Cactus Petes in Jackpot next month. The iconic country duo is back by popular demand and will be performing in the Gala Showroom where there isn't a bad seat in the house.
Cactus Petes in Jackpot has made the announcement and confirmed that the buffet will remain closed permanently and will be redone as a different food option. Whether it will be a food court or something else has not been announced yet.
I love a good rumor. First and foremost, this is a rumor and not verified. However, I got it on fairly good sources that this is something that is going to happen. There is a rumor going around that the buffet at Cactus Petes in Jackpot will never reopen.
For those who want to head down to Jackpot and go to Cactus Pete's, you may not know what is open and what isn't, so here is the updated information right now.
The majority of the group's current lineup have been actively touring and releasing material since Thomas parted ways from Jefferson Starship in the early 90s and formed the new band
Basically every band that was ever good has a knockoff cover band of them. But, not every cover band gets the accolades and endorsement of the original band members.
I love a good mystery. That's why I was excited to see that there was a guy on YouTube who had gone "undercover" to find out what really happens at Cactus Pete's. What he discovered what shocking. Or, actually, not surprising AT ALL.