
Do You Flush The Toilet With Your Hand Or With Your Foot [POLL]
Do You Flush The Toilet With Your Hand Or With Your Foot [POLL]
Do You Flush The Toilet With Your Hand Or With Your Foot [POLL]
OK - I am not a germiphobe. I am a guy though and I think that makes me gross/dirty by default. But when it comes to toilet germs I am over aware! I hate public bathrooms. I understand that for a business to keep their toilet rooms clean is tough...but even if you clean it every hour - it is still a public bathroom!
Sharing Your Restroom
Sharing Your Restroom
Sharing Your Restroom
Trick-or-treating can be a lot of fun. Kids come to your door dressed in their cute costumes, you get to give them candy and everyone leaves happy! Right? There are things that can go wrong during the trick-or-treating process. I've seen wardrobe malfunctions, cars driving too fast, kids destroying pumpkins, etc. But have you ever seen a child that desperately needs to use the bathroom? Worse yet.
Hi-Tech Toilet Costs $6,000
Hi-Tech Toilet Costs $6,000
Hi-Tech Toilet Costs $6,000
There's a new a high-tech toilet you can control with an app on your cell phone and it costs a measley $5,700. The problem is, if someone nearby has the same toilet, they can accidentally start sending commands to your toilet and even activate the bidet when you're not expecting it.
More Than One-Third of People Use Their iPad in the Bathroom
More Than One-Third of People Use Their iPad in the Bathroom
More Than One-Third of People Use Their iPad in the Bathroom
Might want to run a quick sanitizing wipe over your friend's iPad next time you're at their house and want to mess around with it. A new survey by Staples fromMashable found that 35% of iPad owners use it when they're on the toilet.  They didn't find out how many people sanitize it afterward . . . but I'm guessing that number is somewhere close to ZERO.
Zimbabwe Cop Imprisoned After Using President’s Bathroom
Zimbabwe Cop Imprisoned After Using President’s Bathroom
Zimbabwe Cop Imprisoned After Using President’s Bathroom
A cop in Zimbabwe has been locked up in the police barracks for the past month because he had the audacity to use a bathroom reserved for Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe (pictured) during a trade show. Mugabe wasn't using the bathroom, and homicide detective Alois Mabhunu really had to go. So he allegedly "rushed" the VIP loo, leading to his immediate detention.
20% of People Take Their iPads to the Bathroom
20% of People Take Their iPads to the Bathroom
20% of People Take Their iPads to the Bathroom
Everyone I know with an iPad really likes using it in bed, and really likes using it on the couch . . . but truly LOVES using it on the toilet.  Which is why I find this survey so SHOCKING.  And also why I wash my hands after touching anyone else's iPad. In a new survey, only 20% of iPad owners, or one out of five, admit that they regularly take their iPads with them into the bathroom. But other t
Unwritten Rules for Dudes in Pulblic Restrooms. [POLL]
Unwritten Rules for Dudes in Pulblic Restrooms. [POLL]
Unwritten Rules for Dudes in Pulblic Restrooms. [POLL]
Last night my wife and I went out with some friends for dinner.  At one point during conversation, the ladies got up at the same time to use the restroom.  It seemed like very 'standard operating proceedure'.  I've seen it a million times and while I've questioned it once or twice, I've learned that it's just 'one of those things' that I'll never quite understand. Later in the evening, I got up to