
Using Hand Sanitizer Can Make You Test Positive For Alcohol
Using Hand Sanitizer Can Make You Test Positive For Alcohol
Using Hand Sanitizer Can Make You Test Positive For Alcohol
More and more useful information is coming out about hand sanitizer. For instance, hand santizer doesn't work and you should wash your hands instead. It's true! Here is another study from Gainesville Sun, keeping your hands obsessively sanitized is like . . . GETTING DRUNK.
A Four-Year-Old In Chicago Got Drunk At Chili’s
A Four-Year-Old In Chicago Got Drunk At Chili’s
A Four-Year-Old In Chicago Got Drunk At Chili’s
Apparently we're in the middle of an EPIDEMIC:  Children nationwide are in danger of accidentally being served alcohol at chain restaurants.  So on the next trip to T.G.I. Friday's or California Pizza Kitchen, you might want to test that sippy cup. First, a week and a half ago, a 15-month-old at an Applebee's in Michigan got drunk off a margarita in his sippy cup.
Another Kid At a Restaurant Was Accidentally Served Alcohol
Another Kid At a Restaurant Was Accidentally Served Alcohol
Another Kid At a Restaurant Was Accidentally Served Alcohol
Earlier this week, a huge story broke about a 15-month-old at Applebee's who was accidentally given a MARGARITA instead of apple juice in his sippy cup.  And now, ANOTHER story has broken about a child at a chain restaurant getting served alcohol. In Lakeland, Florida, a two-and-a-half-year-old was served SANGRIA in his plastic cup at an Olive Garden. The boy's name is Nikolai.  He was with his mo