SCARY: When do the Southern Idaho Haunted Attractions Start Opening?
It is still technically summer, even though school has started for most of the Magic Valley. We also haven’t hit Labor Day yet which is another unofficial end to summer, but fall doesn’t start until September 23rd. That’s still one month away and Halloween is even further out, but we’re already seeing fall and Halloween decorations in stores and the haunted attractions aren’t far from opening either.
In Less Than One Month Haunted Attractions Will Open in Magic Valley
I love the Haunted Swamp in Twin Falls and I was on Facebook when I saw their big announcement for opening day. I don’t know if I was more surprised by the date or the fact that Halloween is really only about 2 months away. Opening day for the Haunted Swamp will be September 22nd, which is exciting and less than a month away now, but even better is the fact that it will be a BOGO night for tickets.

I checked on an opening date for the Haunted Mansions of Albion and nothing has been posted on Facebook yet, but their website does show tickets are available starting September 28th.
When Do The Straw and Corn Mazes Open
The Burley Straw Maze doesn’t say anything about opening dates on social media, but their website says they open September 22nd.
Tubbs Berry Farm and Straw Bale Maze will open on September 8th and they are hiring for fall help.
Magic Valley Corn Maze and Haunted Forest hasn’t listed an opening date but they did post a cool sneak-peek video of the corn maze.
Stricker Homesite has no updates posted online.
RELATED STORY: When Should We Start Celebrating Halloween
Stay tuned for information on other fall and Halloween events and updates to the above attractions.
Straw Bale Maze at Tubb's Berry Farm
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