JEROME, Idaho (KLIX)-Jerome County is moving forward with plans to build a scenic overlook at Shoshone Falls on the north edge of the Snake River Canyon. This week Idaho Power presented Jerome County Commissioners with a $100,000 check to begin a feasibility study for the proposed overlook project, according to Commissioner Ben Crouch.

Benito Baeza
Benito Baeza

Feasibility Study to Look at North Scenic Overlook at Shoshone Falls

The study will take several months to see if the rock and canyon side can support an overlook and collect information on other possibilities. Commissioner Crouch said it will be a couple more years before any construction would start. Plans are for a visitor center, parking, trails, and possibly RV camp spots. Crouch also said a museum could be an addition to the site. "We're very happy we could do something like that to get visitors out there. In our minds it makes a lot of sense that we got I-84 just a short distance away. We've got (U.S. Highway 93) running right by the park there," said Crouch.

Benito Baeza
Benito Baeza

Jerome County Working on Shoshone Overlook for Several Years

According to Commissioner Crouch, Jerome County has been talking about a north side scenic overlook for about five years.  Two years ago county commissioners talked with Idaho Power about the project and agreed to help the project get off the ground. Idaho Power committed a total of $250,000 for the project. The County committed $100,000 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds with hopes of getting corporate sponsors to make up the remainder. Crouch estimates it'll cost roughly $1.5 million for the project.

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The Shoshone overlook would be part of the Snake River Canyon Park that sits on Bureau of Land Management ground leased by Jerome County. "We did recently renew our lease with the BLM for another 25 years and that will help with grants in the future because they know we're serious, they know we got a long term commitment there." A separate project closer to U.S. 93 is constructing a campground and picnic area.

Most Terrifying Attractions In Southern Idaho

The Perrine Bridge by itself isn't that big of a deal in the fear-factor category until you decide to do a BASE jump. That's when the fear level goes up to 10. Other places are just scary as the bridge.



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