Idahoans Practically Sleep Naked
Idahoans like to sleep in their skivvies. That’s the story from a survey of what people wear when going to bed across the country. In Nevada, the largest number of respondents claim they sleep in only their birthday suits. What a surprise for a state that calls its largest community Sin City.
When I was growing up, my parents eventually gave up on buying pajamas for my brother and me (we saved them money!). On cold winter mornings, we would pull back our blankets and then race each other to the laundry room. We would stick our cold feet behind the dryer and warm them up. There was a gap of a few inches before the vent. I was bigger and usually got the best position.
As an adult, I’ve never owned pajamas. I wear basketball or gym-style shorts and a T-shirt, which is the overnight uniform in parts of six states. There was no data from eight states, seven of which are known for really cold weather. Maybe they’re all so tough that they don’t sleep!
I solved the need for pajamas many years ago when my sister gave me some flannel sheets as a Christmas present. What a treat on cold winter nights! But I still won’t sleep naked. The cat likes to come along during the night and sometimes he likes to make bread with his paws. A T-shirt is an excellent barrier. Not to mention the benefits of shorts in that situation. Just don’t leave the drawstring on the outside.