Idaho Hotel Workers Save 5-year-old From Canal
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-Police in eastern Idaho credit the quick and level headed actions of hotel staff for saving the life of a young child that was drowning in a canal.
According to Idaho Falls Police, the incident happened on May 3 when a family staying at a hotel near the Snake River gathered inside to have a group photo taken. The family quickly realized a 5-year-old boy was missing and began looking for the child. At the same time a group of a employees at a nearby hotel were together taking a break when they noticed a woman frantically looking for a child near the bank of a canal. Witnesses said the woman, the child's mother, discovered the boy face down in the canal and jumped in. One of the hotel employees noticed the child was closer to them and also jumped into the canal, grabbed the boy, and handed him off to another employee who started to do CPR. Other employees rushed to bring out towels and called 911.
Once emergency crews arrived they found the young boy responsive and breathing; he was then taken to a local hospital to be checked out.
Read the full statement from the Idaho Falls Police Department.

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