
Is Christmas Stressful?
Is Christmas Stressful?
Is Christmas Stressful?
I finished my Christmas shopping over the weekend and I thought I would feel relieved. But I didn't! A recent study found that Christmas time should actually lower your blood pressure!
Top 10 Stresses For Women
Top 10 Stresses For Women
Top 10 Stresses For Women
A new survey from Daily Mail found the top things women stress about. I was surprised that dinner parties didn't make the list. So, what do women stress about?
What Do You Do, To Calm Your Nerves? [POLL]
What Do You Do, To Calm Your Nerves? [POLL]
What Do You Do, To Calm Your Nerves? [POLL]
You always hear that the best way to calm your nerves is to do yoga or to take a long walk, maybe even a hot bath. I, of course, disagree with all of these suggestions. I think the best way to calm your nerves if you are upset about something is
Stressed at Work? It’s Probably Your Parents’ Fault
Stressed at Work? It’s Probably Your Parents’ Fault
Stressed at Work? It’s Probably Your Parents’ Fault
It might be easy to blame your boss for all the work-related stress and high anxiety coursing through your veins, but a new study suggests that you might want to start pointing the finger at your family instead. Well, sort of. Scientists have found that genetics play a significant role in how you react to your work environment.
Worried About Money?
Worried About Money?
Worried About Money?
You worry about money, I worry about money.  And if you believe The Notorious B.I.G. in "Mo Money, Mo Problems", then people a lot richer than us worry about money too.
The House Buying Process Ages You Two Years
The House Buying Process Ages You Two Years
The House Buying Process Ages You Two Years
Buying a house is incredibly stressful.  It's so stressful that it makes the process of actually moving in seem easy.  And a new survey put into perspective just how stressful it is.
Women Are Most Relaxed When Their Husbands Help With Housework
Women Are Most Relaxed When Their Husbands Help With Housework
Women Are Most Relaxed When Their Husbands Help With Housework
What?? I don't know about you, but I get a little more stressed when my husband starts helping out with household chores. Apparently I am the only one who feels this way because USA Today says that in a recent study done by the team at UCLA women's stress levels are lowest when they team up with their husband to tackle the work around the house. For men, it's the opposite . . . their stress leve
Seven Weird Signs You Might Be Stressed Out
Seven Weird Signs You Might Be Stressed Out
Seven Weird Signs You Might Be Stressed Out
According to the magazine "Prevention", you might be more stressed out than you think.  Here are seven random signs you're dealing with too much stress. #1.)  Weekend Headaches.  According to the director of the Washington University Headache Center, a sudden DROP in stress can cause migraines.
Yoga Doesn’t Always Relieve Stress
Yoga Doesn’t Always Relieve Stress
Yoga Doesn’t Always Relieve Stress
According to the health magazine "Prevention", some of the things people do to relieve stress don't work as well as we think they do.  Here are four old methods that don't always work, and four NEW methods that work better.  #1.)  If You Like Yoga, Keep Doing It . . . But You Don't Have To.  In a recent study, 54% of people said they felt anxious while they were doing yoga, which means i