
Should Idaho Require Drug Tests For Welfare Applicants?
Should Idaho Require Drug Tests For Welfare Applicants?
Should Idaho Require Drug Tests For Welfare Applicants?
Today the Texas Senate passed a bill that will require some Welfare applicants to take a drug test before they can get access to benefits. Senator Jane Nelson, my new hero and the bill's sponsor, said this of the bill: "Taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize someone's drug habit." Should Idaho adopt a similar measure?
Idaho Changing Food Stamp Distribution?
Idaho Changing Food Stamp Distribution?
Idaho Changing Food Stamp Distribution?
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Big Idaho grocers finally convinced a Senate panel to support staggering food stamp benefits, an effort to avoid the current first-of-the-month onslaught that stores complain interrupts their supply chain, creates chaos in the aisles and results in food waste...