One bathroom in Twin Falls makes taking a tinkle a little bit more awkward than other restrooms and is also one of the most unique bathrooms you will ever see.
Have I used the toilet as an opportunity to escape a potential argument with the wife? Hell to the yes. I also find the bathroom a handy safe haven when my mother-in-law is visiting; it doubles as a panic room in this situation.
Knowing the amount of time certain members of my family spend in the bathroom (my brother), I think it's a good idea to take a preventative strike on my home's plumbing before he gets here.
OK - I am not a germiphobe. I am a guy though and I think that makes me gross/dirty by default. But when it comes to toilet germs I am over aware! I hate public bathrooms. I understand that for a business to keep their toilet rooms clean is tough...but even if you clean it every hour - it is still a public bathroom!
There's a new a high-tech toilet you can control with an app on your cell phone and it costs a measley $5,700. The problem is, if someone nearby has the same toilet, they can accidentally start sending commands to your toilet and even activate the bidet when you're not expecting it.
Our Production Manager Peter just dropped his phone in the toilet. After. Yeah... gross.
Last year my step-son, in his infinite wisdom, was playing a game on his iPod touch while using the restroom and he too deposited his expensive device into the drink.
Is this a common thing? Actually, yes it is.