Getting a tattoo is such a personal experience. Most people seem to want something unique, yet just about everybody goes to the same internet sources like Google Images when they get art done. Twin Falls artist, Alen Heric, explains the best way to get a tattoo that's unique to you.
It's the tattoo question to end all tattoo questions. What tattoos hurt the most and least? One Twin Falls tattoo artist knows the answer and explains why some people think it will hurt more than it does and others underestimate the pain.
If you want to be the best at anything, you have to be committed to always be learning. Twin Falls tattoo artist Joshua Martinez explains that this is also true when it comes to the art of tattooing.
If you make the decision to get a tattoo, what will help the artist understand what you're looking for? A Twin Falls tattoo artist talks about what his clients bring him when they want a tattoo.
You might be surprised how crazy some people get when deciding where they want tattoos and what they want there. Amanda Williams told us about how outrageous some people get when it comes to their art and what styles she enjoys most.