Nothing against the Irish, but I've always considered taking part in non-American cultural celebrations as sort of dumb. I didn't grow up knocking pinatas off of tree branches or pounding steins of terrible dark beer in October either.
Have I used the toilet as an opportunity to escape a potential argument with the wife? Hell to the yes. I also find the bathroom a handy safe haven when my mother-in-law is visiting; it doubles as a panic room in this situation.
Prosperity is a measurement of wealth and success. A recent report grouped Idaho among the most affluent states in the country, which might actually have a lot to do with the wave of people that have been leaving their birth states for greener pastures in recent years.
In all my years living in Twin Falls, I've seen a great deal of holiday spirit. In my opinion, the best way to identify holiday spirit relates to decorations.
When visiting a new state, I've found that the best practice is to be as courteous as you can, and if you enjoyed your time there for the most part, well then don't return home and trash it.
Idaho soared in Economy (3rd place) Fiscal Stability (4th place). Idaho scored 10th for both infrastructure and crime and corrections categories. 12th place for natural environment (clearly they have not explored enough here.) ...
While my company productivity didn't suffer in 2020, I just feel more in my element in the office. The idea of having to set a work station up at home to carry out my daily tasks wasn't something I was gung-ho about.
I was one of the lucky ones this year. The word, grateful, doesn't even come close to describing how I feel about this current year that will officially end at midnight on Friday (January 1).