Sometimes our mobile devices seem to have a mind of their own, bringing added meaning to the term smartphone. But it’s never smart to make false 911 calls to police. At times, smartphones act stupid.
A species of ants nicknamed "crazy ants" are spreading across the U.S. They're mostly found in Texas, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana but they are spreadding.
These ants love the taste of pretty much any type of electical equipment.
I love texting. In fact, I would much rather text than make a phone call. Now with my iPhone I can send messages a dozen different ways without ever talking on the phone, and that's the problem: mobile phones have stripped away the emotion and context of our social interaction.
Terry's talking about cutting his hair off (again), Dorothy Custer turned 101 years old on the zip line in the canyon, and another edition of Terry's Tech Support. Here's what Terry was talking about last week.
I love writing about technology, so I've decided to use my tech writing powers for good and shine some light on the more common tech myths. These are myths that you've all probably heard, and in a lot of cases took to as fact. So here at Terry's Tech Support I'll try to take the myth out of Tech Myths.
Teens with smartphones, texting is making us dumb, and a 100 year old is going to ride the zip line across the canyon. Aside from his own personal quest to take down cell phones, here's what Terry was talking about last week.
On the heels of Terry asking whether or not a teen should be allowed to own a smartphone, we got to talking about it on The Morning Show.
Then, a teacher called -- and I have to admit, I was a little more than surprised when she said that not only should students be allowed to have smartphones, but we should consider letting them use them in class...
My 12 year old step-son thinks he needs an iPhone. I think he's out of his mind, and quite frankly it's out of the question. It's a matter of cost for my family, but first and foremost I simply don't think teens should have smartphones.