Some places you wouldn't expect to find delicious food, are sitting right in front of us daily. Here are some of the secret places to find a good meal in Twin Falls.
Update: We have received an overwhelming amount of phones calls and some messages from Twin Falls and Buhl of Secret Santas in action.
K-mart manager, Bonnie, reported over 50 layaway accounts paid off by Secret Santas.
Do you know any random acts of Santa...
It always warms my heart to see people's kindness this time of year. They are dropping money in the Salvation Army's red buckets, donating toys, or just opening a door for someone with full hands. Kindness is one of the best things about this time of year, and it comes in all different shapes and sizes.
Some gestures are bigger than others, which brings me to the Secret Santa movement that is swee
Pamela Meyer is an expert on lying. She's studied people for decades to find the main signs that they're not telling the truth. And she put together this list from Lifehacker of the eight secrets of spotting someone who might be lying to you. Check it out . . .
1. Liars distance themselves from the subject. Like, for example, how BILL CLINTON said "I did not have sexual relations with
The secret formula for Coca-Cola has always been one of the most heavily-guarded secrets in the world. It's up there with the secret recipe for KFC, where the government is keeping the aliens, and what happened to Tony Soprano.
So this is pretty big news: Over the weekend, producers from the public radio show "This American Life" said they stumbled across the formula when they were dig