If you see an officer on the side of the road monitoring speed, should you tip off fellow drivers, or let those breaking the rules get caught and pay the price?
It is a combination of reasons that Blue Lakes is so infuriating. I have decided to come up with all the lovely reasons that Blue Lakes has become the most infuriating road in the area. I have a feeling many of you are going to agree with me.
Recently, we took video of Howell Canyon Road, also known as Pomerelle road. Please note the video doesn't reflect actual speeds.
The road had been plowed and sanded making driving conditions OK. However, if I've learned anything about reporting driving conditions it's that everyone's definition of "OK" is different...
The City of Twin Falls has closed Cheney Drive from Washington Street North to North College Road due to flooding and excessive water covering the road.
Stormwater retention basins in the area are full, which is causing water to rise above the level of the roadway
While we may love our spouse and spending time with them it only takes one annoying song or one wrong turn to cause a fight that could last for hours.
According to Your Tango here are the top seven fights people have during road trips:
Following this mornings news that a much needed light is going in at Fillmore and North College, we got to thinking about other areas that could use better traffic control.
Yesterday I took a road trip with my parents. It was actually quit fun except for the fact that we are all controlling drivers. My mom loves to give directions, but only if the directions don't include any main roads, and my dad likes to make sure I still know what ten o'clock and two o'clock mean.