When it comes to living in Twin Falls finding a place to buy maternity clothes can be tough, and it has left some women in the area feeling frustrated.
If you haven't heard by now, Kate Middleton is expecting. Overall, I like Kate Middleton so I am excited for her. As a women I feel for her because she just completed her first trimester. All women know that you can be very sick in the first trimester.
Recently I was talking to some ladies that run a local daycare and they gave me some information that could be very scary depending on your situation.
They said they knew several couples that had decided to stop having children so the husband had a vasectomy done. Everything was great for 3, to 5, to even 9 years and then the wife found herself pregnant.
If you’ve lived in Twin Falls for any length of time, and within that length of time, you’ve visited the Magic Valley Mall, you may have noticed that handicap spaces aren’t the only designated parking spots in the lot. In a few different areas of the vastness that is the mall parking lot, you can locate what are called “Stork Stalls.”
These are parking spaces designated for pregnant women so the
I would like to think that if there was a time to speed, it would be when you are driving a women who is in labor to the hospital. Right?
The Winnipeg Free Press reports that back on March 21st, Genevieve went into labor with her two weeks early in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba . Genevieve had complications when she gave birth to Anabela's 3-year-old sister, and doctors warned her that she would ne