In recent years, it seems more and more threats of tornado activity have been issued on television, radio, and emergency alerts on our phones, and it has some people wondering if these types of weather systems are the new normal.
Thanks to the polar vortex, the Magic Valley is gonna get another cold blast later this week. This will send temps well below normal averages for this time of year, even by December standards.
We have been pretty lucky so far this winter - since we don't live in the North East and haven't had to deal with a Polar Vortex! We haven't had sub-zero temperatures or even very many days of frosted windows. So how cold is it really in America?
What do you get when you cross boiling hot water, a super soaker and a polar vortex with temperatures at around 40 below? You get this wicked video of a squirt gun shooting vapor.
Careful kids. Don't try this at home. I've reports of people getting burned when they try this...
Just how cold is it where we're experiencing the polar vortex? Watch how fast this this water freezes in Chicago and you get a pretty good idea.
Here are some other random facts about just how cold it really is throughout the country
It's so cold you could warm up in Siberia is warmer
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