We are no strangers to mysterious loud booms in the Magic Valley. We’ve been hearing them for years with no true explanation as to what causes them. Until now.
This is absolutely crazy! A fireball was seen in the sky over Idaho and it was all caught on camera. The video is out of the Boise area and the video is pretty astounding. We are getting reports that it was a meteor.
Spotting one of these fiery, streaking space masses is all about being in the right place at the right time, and it helps to have a camera running on your property.
Since we first heard about the Meteor that entered the atmosphere over Russia and shattered some 30 miles above ground, I've been doing some thinking.
Why didn't we see it coming?
The Perseid Meteor Show is happening this weekend, Curiosity lands on Mars, how refurbished Apple products can save you money, and Instagram love. Here's what Terry was talking about last week.
The Perseid Meteor Show is happening next weekend, what box do you use to stream your media, a little lost puppy, and one of the biggest meteor craters in the world is in Idaho. Here's what Terry was talking about last week.