Twin Falls Police is seeking the help from the public in identifying two women suspected of stealing makeup in late September. Police released surveillance images of two females that walked into a cosmetics shop on Fillmore St. on September 30, and allegedly took a large amount of makeup off the shelf and left
We all want to look our best - especially if we are in the dating scene - but isn't it a little deceptive if you wear a lot of makeup and it changes how you really look?
We've all had mornings where our hair wouldn't curl, your shirt looks nothing like the last time you wore it, and your skirt has a stain on it that appeared out of nowhere.
How do these things happen and why do they only happen when you wake up 15 minutes late?
Check out this video by the French singer Boggie that depicts how our self image is often manipulated by our perception of what 'beauty' means.
You might not understand the words but it doesn't matter. You get the message.
Most business have dress codes but they usually don't include details on how to wear your makeup. Brightly colored eye shadow is starting to immerse into the world again for the first time since the 90's and some employers are sending their employees home because they show up with hot pink eyeshadow, bright red lip stick and glitter eyelashes.
According to a survey by the St. Ives makeup company from Indian Express, the average woman spends more than three hours getting her hair and makeup ready before going out.
My family and I went on a little hike with a geologist from The College of Southern Idaho. It was very interesting. I learned what the first toaster was made out of and I learned what my makeup is made out of.
There are a lot of men who like women with a natural look . . . meaning they're not smothered in makeup. Turns out there aren't a lot of women who agree.
I hate when studies question one of the few unquestionable truths we have left. See, I've ALWAYS believed that when guys wear eyeliner to look cool or mysterious, it turns off most woman.
But according to a new study, I'm wrong. Even though a lot of women might never admit it, supposedly they find 'guyliner' ATTRACTIVE.