Each state is different in terms of being a working parent, and one has to ask at times, what state is being a working dad the best and which state is the worst?
The New Year always comes packed with resolutions and goals about cutting back on eating out, fitness, eating healthier, etc. All of it can seem very overwhelming, but I'm here with a list of seven products that will make meal-planning and eating at home more often a breeze!
Some information floating around suggests that most of you prefer to listen to sad music and cry following a break up. What do you think is the best "cry your eyes out" break up song? Miranda Lambert's "Gunpower and Lead?"... How 'bout AIR SUPPLY?
Here are some others we came up with.
Hey, who's in the mood to feel TRAGICALLY OLD? Here's a list of 12 things that children born this year will NEVER know.
#1.) Video tapes.
#2.) Travel agents.
#3.) Movie rental stores.
According to DR. PHIL, by the time the average woman turns 60, she's told around 50,000 lies. And by the time a man turns 60, he's told 100,000. That's an average of six lies a day for men, and three a day for women.
--So here's Dr. Phil's list of the top four lies men and women tell each other...