I will be the first to admit that before I had children I swore I wasn't going to bribe them. Then I started potty training and out came the candy. By the time my kids started school I was bribing them, or as I like to call it...rewarding them, with toys.
If you ask me, it truly is about the little things that make us happy on a daily basis. It has to be that way because, if you are anything like me, the big things only come around every 5 years or so.
There are a lot of fears and concerns when it comes to flying. Some people won't fly because they fear crashing. My concerns are a little less fearful. I don't worry about crashing as much as I worry about our flights being on time, finding my connecting gate and my luggage being lost.
I like to think that as adults we try to make the best decisions we can, but then you run into people that are just flat out dishonest. This could be your boss, business partner, spouse, child's teacher, etc.
If you are from this area you have probably been to the Shoshone Ice Caves. My husband and I remembered going to the cave when we were little and being amazed. So, we thought it would be fun to take our boys to the ice cave this weekend.
The boys definitely had fun but Dave and I quickly realized that if you remember the caves being amazing when you were little, it might not impress you as an adul
Pamela Meyer is an expert on lying. She's studied people for decades to find the main signs that they're not telling the truth. And she put together this list from Lifehacker of the eight secrets of spotting someone who might be lying to you. Check it out . . .
1. Liars distance themselves from the subject. Like, for example, how BILL CLINTON said "I did not have sexual relations with
It's not just your imagination. The people around you really do smell bad. In a jarring new survey, 21% of men, or one in five, say they don't ever wear deodorant. They don't even put on some body spray. They just ride it out naturally.
The survey also found that 21% of men never use shampoo . . . it's not necessarily the same 21% who don't use deodorant, but there's probably some overlap.
Wow . . . I almost feel like we should all apologize for being so apologetic. According to a great new survey from Express.co.uk, people say "I'm sorry" way to much.
I love summer and one of the reasons I love summer is because I get to wear flip flops every where. Apparently I am not suppose to be wearing flip flops to work, which is a total bummer.
According to a new survey from the staffing firm Adecco on Reuters, the most inappropriate thing to wear to the office during the summer is Flip-Flops.
About 75% of Americans think it's okay to dress more casually
The spectacular lights of the aurora borealis are rarely seen outside the Arctic Circle, but fierce solar activity might soon send them southward. The continental US, Japan, and even Mediterranean Europe may all get a taste of the northern lights.