Fourth of July might look a little different this year, but one thing that is going to be able to stay the same is the food. You can eat and cook food even if you don't have a giant get together. What is your favorite thing to barbecue for the holiday weekend?
Terry offers 5 hot weather tips that could save your life, how to cook hotdogs with just the power of the sun, the legality of fireworks, and 2012's Ultimate Box Office Superhero. Here's what Terry was talking about last week.
Terry offers 10 tips to make people more courteous with their cell phones, some of his favorite July 4th events in the Magic Valley, and Facebook is rolling out the ability to edit posts and comments (FINALLY!). Here's what Terry was talking about last week.
Our great nation's 236th birthday is almost upon us. Twin Falls and the Magic Valley hosts some truly spectacular 4th of July events and fireworks displays. From Trailer Races of Destruction to Sagebrush Day Parades, here's what's going on this July 4th in the Magic Valley...