
Last Day to Mail Cards
Last Day to Mail Cards
Last Day to Mail Cards
Post Offices nationwide will be open on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, Dec. 24th, but most Post Offices will shorten retail lobby hours and close at noon. If you want your Christmas cards to reach their destination by Christmas you will need to mail them TODAY!
Fines in Twin Falls Parks
Fines in Twin Falls Parks
Fines in Twin Falls Parks
Spending time at parks is a big part of everyone's summer fun! But did you know that local parks have hours? If you are in a park after it's closed you could be fined $300.
Did Stores Open Too Early?
Did Stores Open Too Early?
Did Stores Open Too Early?
Everyone lived through Black Friday without any bruises or scratches. From what I could tell Black Friday seemed a lot less congested this year than last year. I am sure this is because I arrived at all of the major stores hours after they had already opened. By the time I got to Walmart (at 10:30pm) it was like a ghost town.
What Time Are You Shopping?
What Time Are You Shopping?
What Time Are You Shopping?
It's almost here. Black Friday! Hold on to your wallets people, the sales are even bigger than last year (so they say), and some stores are opening even earlier.  I find that there are two types of people when it comes to Black Friday...the people making their Black Friday plans mid-November and the people that think Black Friday is ridiculous...
Here’s How the Average American Spends the 24 Hours of Their Day
Here’s How the Average American Spends the 24 Hours of Their Day
Here’s How the Average American Spends the 24 Hours of Their Day
I think we all get to the end of our day wishing that their were just a few more hours left to get EVERYTHING done. It makes you wonder what exactly are we doing with the 24  hours we have in each day. Well, the U.S. Department of Labor just released the results of their annual study in the Wall Street Journal on how we Americans use our time.  And you'll be happy to know we work a little, we slee
Working More Than 11 Hours a Day Will Kill You
Working More Than 11 Hours a Day Will Kill You
Working More Than 11 Hours a Day Will Kill You
THIS is exactly why you should always slide down the dinosaur and peddle your car home with your feet as SOON as your work day's over. According to a new study out of University College London, working 11 hours or more on a daily basis will KILL YOU.