What to do with hair on a windy day is a challenge. Always doing the same hairstyle can get old. Especially here in Idaho when there are plenty of windy days to experiment with. Let’s take a look at what we long locks lovers can do.
What would you do if someone told you that you had a spider in your beard or hair? What if you were the person that saw the spider, would you tell the person?
During Lincoln's second year in office, he signed a territorial act that paved the way for thousands of settlers to claim land and begin building what would become the 43rd state.
Are you happy with your hair place in Twin? If not, maybe you turn to Yelp to see what other people are saying about who is the best with the scissors. According to Yelp, here are the top 10 hair salons in Twin Falls.
We've all had mornings where our hair wouldn't curl, your shirt looks nothing like the last time you wore it, and your skirt has a stain on it that appeared out of nowhere.
How do these things happen and why do they only happen when you wake up 15 minutes late?
My hair is starting to thin on top. That's putting in nicely. If you're taller than me, you can probably see a growing bald spot at the top of my head.
When my groomer, Jan first told me, I didn't want to believe her.
Girls everywhere are talking about the "no-poo" way of taking care of their hair. I am hoping there are other names for it, but "no-poo" is the only term I have heard. This process eliminates shampoo and conditioner entirely.
What phase did you go through that you still CRINGE about today? Don't lie, you know you had a mullet, big bangs, wore your jean jacket with your jeans or went through a gothic phase. There was a discussion online at Reddit. . . check out a few highlights: There was an Indian guy who went through a skinhead phase
Kimberly has caught a lot of bad press about her out of control, curly hair. People have said that it is out of date, makes her look like a bobble head and is just plain ugly.
These comments are rude and out of line but if you had untamed curly hair would you want it to be straight and normal like most peoples hair or would you just go with it like Kimberly does...
Recently I colored my hair and it fried it. In order to fix my hair I went to the beauty supply shop and asked if they had any reconstructing shampoo and conditioner. They recommended a product that has a special kind of apple in it that can apparently heal itself when it becomes bruised from being dropped...
Three and a half years ago I started growing my hair on a bet. My wife wagered that I couldn't go a month without cutting it. She was right. I lost that bet. Double-or-nothing and now my hair is over ten inches in length.
So... Should I cut it?