
Drum Your Way To Fitness At Twin Falls Exercise Studio
Drum Your Way To Fitness At Twin Falls Exercise Studio
Drum Your Way To Fitness At Twin Falls Exercise Studio
So many people use the "I'm getting fit this year" as their New Year Resolution. If you are searching for a fun way to get in shape, this just might be the best option for you. To me, if I can have fun while working out it goes a lot smoother.
Best Pandemic At Home Workouts
Best Pandemic At Home Workouts
Best Pandemic At Home Workouts
This ongoing pandemic thing has made going to the gym with a bunch of sweaty, hot-breathed people a whole lot less appealing (not that I was every a GTL kind of guy). However, over the past few months I have figured out a few things that make working out at home a little bit better.
Golds Gym Controversy
Golds Gym Controversy
Golds Gym Controversy
Here we go again. Everyone's offended. The question is, do they have right to be? Recently Gold's Gym Dreamland posted a picture of a pear with the caption that said, "This is no shape for a girl".
Is CrossFit Better Than Lifting?
Is CrossFit Better Than Lifting?
Is CrossFit Better Than Lifting?
If you made a New Years resolution to get more fit, or you have been involved in the fitness industry in the past. You may have an opinion or questions about CrossFit verse weight lifting.
The Most Awesome Push Up Ever
The Most Awesome Push Up Ever
The Most Awesome Push Up Ever
People like this make me jealous of their athleticism and commitment to fitness. Note that I watched this while stuffing a handful of Ruffles Sour Cream 'n Cheddar chips into my face.  

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