
Chickens in Twin Falls
Chickens in Twin Falls
Chickens in Twin Falls
Having your own chickens seems to be an on-going trend. So many people are getting chickens that it is becoming an issue in some local cities.
What to Do With Leftover Eggs
What to Do With Leftover Eggs
What to Do With Leftover Eggs
I know that most Easter egg hunts have moved to the "plastic egg" variety instead of using real eggs.  But it seems like real eggs make it into the mix one way or another... Especially if you have little kids that still like to color eggs.
Take The Eggs Personality Challenge
Take The Eggs Personality Challenge
Take The Eggs Personality Challenge
According to this whacky survey, how you like your eggs is supposed to say a lot about your personality.  How do you like your eggs?  Do any of these even come close to matching your personality?

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